Climate Change

Policies, Systems and Initiatives

Policies, systems and initiatives related to climate change

Goals and Results

The third-party assurance report for Sagawa Express figures are provided in the link on p.24.

Sagawa Express ESG Data 2023

Medium- to Long-term Goal

Boundary Medium- to Long-term Goal
SG Holdings Group Scope1・2
  • 2030:46% reduction in CO2 emissions(*compared to FY2013)
  • 2050:Aim to becme carbon neutral
Scope3 Engage in reduction of emissions throughout the entire supply chain

*Reduction level: In line with Japan's emission reduction targets. Including offsets using carbon credits,etc.

*Prerequisites: Realization of the 2030 power generation mix* in the Sixth Strategic Energy Plan
(*59% non-fossil:36-38% renewable energy,20-22% nuclear power,1% hydrogen and ammonia)

*If there are changes in the reduction level of prerequisites due to social conditions,the emission reduction target may be reviewed.

Fiscal Year Targets and Results

Boundary FY2022 FY2023 Target
Base Year Target Deadline Results Base Year Target Deadline
SG Holdings Group (Japan)* FY2013 -15.0% March 31, 2025 -13.4% FY2013 -13.5% March 31, 2024

*The target is the total value of Scopes 1 and 2.

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions

(Units: t-CO2e)

Boundary FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Scope 1 Japan Sagawa Express 272,343 269,251 271,557 276,389 274,344
Other 7,043 6,998 6,590 6,102 6,000
Total 279,386 276,249 278,147 282,491 280,344
Overseas Expolanka 745 582 535 961 1,225
Other 5,449 5,276 4,558 4,426 118
Total 6,194 5,858 5,093 5,387 1,342
Total 285,580 282,107 283,240 287,878 281,687
Scope 2 Japan Sagawa Express 105,310 100,182 91,559 83,188 69,440
Other 28,801 25,944 24,130 20,949 21,059
Total 134,111 126,126 115,689 104,138 90,498
Overseas Expolanka 620 2,167 2,181 1,864 1,098
Other 143 469 659 664 4,499
Total 763 2,636 2,840 2,529 5,596
Total 134,874 128,762 118,529 106,666 96,095
Scope 3
(Breakdown shown separately)
Japan Sagawa Express 878,300 962,084 1,123,640 1,064,132 1,372,508
Other 1,041,801 1,273,232 1,225,297 678,259
Total 878,300 2,003,885 2,396,871 2,289,429 2,050,766
Overseas Expolanka 9,159 1,539 995 1,560 541
Total 9,159 1,539 995 1,560 541
Total 887,459 2,005,424 2,397,866 2,290,990 2,051,307
Scope 1+2 Japan Sagawa Express 377,653 369,433 363,116 359,577 343,783
Other 35,844 32,942 30,720 27,051 27,059
Total 413,497 402,375 393,836 386,629 370,842
Overseas Expolanka 1,365 2,749 2,716 2,825 2,323
Other 5,592 5,745 5,217 5,091 4,616
Total 6,957 8,494 7,933 7,916 6,939
Total 420,454 410,869 401,769 394,544 377,781
Scope 1+2+3 Japan Sagawa Express 1,255,953 1,331,517 1,486,756 1,423,710 1,716,291
Other 35,844 1,074,743 1,303,952 1,252,348 705,318
Total 1,291,797 2,406,260 2,790,708 2,676,058 2,421,609
Overseas Expolanka 10,524 4,288 3,711 4,386 2,863
Other 5,592 5,745 5,217 5,091 4,616
Total 16,116 10,033 8,928 9,476 7,480
Total 1,307,913 2,416,293 2,799,635 2,685,534 2,429,089


  • Japan, Other:Scope1 and Scope2 emissions include emissions of all companies in Japan except for Sagawa Express. As for Scope 3, FY2019 emissions include emissions of only four companies: World Supply, Sagawa Global Logistics, SG Realty and SG Motors. The boundary has been expanded to all Group companies in Japan except for Sagawa Express from FY2020 onwards.
  • Overseas, EXPOLANKA :Emissions of only Expolanka Freight (Private) Limited are included. (Its Scope 3 emissions of consignment transportation include emissions related to only land transportation. )
  • Overseas, Other: Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions include only those of SG Sagawa Ameroid for FY2018. Scope 2 emissions of SG Sagawa Vietnam (specifically of only its two warehouses) are included from FY2019 onwards.

【Calculation method】

  • Scope1(Fuel・Gas): Calculated by multiplying fuel and gas consumptions by corresponding emission factors, etc. in the "List of calculation methods and emission factors for calculation, reporting, and publication systems" based on the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures. CO₂ emissions from biological sources (biogas combustion) are not included.
  • Scope1(Fluorocarbon):Calculated by multiplying the amount of leakage of each type of fluorocarbons by the global warming potentials in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.
  • Scope2(Electricity):Calculated by multiplying electricity consumption by corresponding emission factors, etc. from "Emission factors by electric utility (for calculation of GHG emissions of specific emitters) ー R3 Results ー R5.1.24" published by Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. (For sites where the electricity supplier is unknown, the "national average emission factor" for the subject year is used.)
  • Scope3:Reffer to 【Calculation method for each category】 shown below.

* "-" indicators have not been calculated.

Greenhouse gas(GHG)Emission Intensities(consolidated operating revenue based)

(Units:t-CO2e/mil Yen)

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Consolidated operating revenue 1,118,094 1,173,498 1,312,085 1,588,375 1,434,609
Scope1+2 420,454 410,869 401,769 394,544 377,781
GHG emission intensities 0.38 0.35 0.31 0.25 0.26

*GHG emission intensities: Scope1+2 (t-CO2e) / consolidated operating revenues (millions of yen)

Scope 1 Emissions

(Units: t-CO2e)

Greenhouse gases FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
CO2 262,724 265,904 270,498 268,442
HFCs 6,527 5,653 5,891 5,907


  • Sagawa Express

【Calculation method】

  • CO₂ emissions are calculated by multiplying the amount of fuel and gas used by the applicable emission factors, etc. in the "List of calculation methods and emission factors for calculation, reporting, and publication systems" based on the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures. CO₂ emissions from biological sources (biogas combustion) are not included.
  • HFCs emissions are calculated by multiplying the amount of leakage by the global warming potentials in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.
  • Greenhouse gases except for CO₂ and HFCs are not subject to calculation because their emission amount is not considerable.

Scope 3 Emissions

(Units: t-CO2e)

Scope 3 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Cat.1 Purchased products and services 777,716
Cat.2 Capital goods 48,150
Cat.3 Fuel- and energy-related emissions
not included in scope 1 or scope 2
Cat.4 Upstream transportation and distribution Included in Scope 1 8,370
(Included in Scope 1)
(Included in Scope 1)
(Included in Scope 1)
Cat.5 Waste generated in operations 2,429
Cat.6 Business travel 1,839
Cat.7 Employee commuting 15,066
Cat.8 Upstream leased assets Included in Scope 1 0
(Included in Scope 1)
(Included in Scope 1)
(Included in Scope 1)
(Included in Scope 1)
Cat.9 Transportation and delivery (downstream) Included in Scope 1 646
(Included in Scope 1)
(Included in Scope 1)
(Included in Scope 1)
(Included in Scope 1)
Cat.10 Processing of sold products 0
Cat.11 Use of sold products 641,912
Cat.12 End-of-life treatment of sold products 1,231
Cat.13 Downstream leased assets 69,305
Cat.14 Franchises
Cat.15 Investment
Total 878,300


  • FY2018 is Sagawa Express only. FY2019 aggregated 5 group companies; Sagawa Express, World Supply, Sagawa Global Logistics, SG Realty and SG Motors. Since FY2020, all domestic group companies are included.

【Calculation method for each category】

Category Source Description Calculation Formula Emission Factors
Category 1
Purchased products and services
Products, etc. purchased by SG Holdings Group (all domestic companies) are covered. (talligating from purchasing management system, etc.) Amount of purchased products and services×CO₂ emission intensity Referred to; "Data base on Emissions Unit Values for Calculation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc., by Organizations Throughout the Supply Chain(Ver 3.3)"( Ministry of the Environment) ,LCI database IDEA version 2.3 (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Safety Science Research Division IDEA Laboratory General Incorporated Association Sustainable Management Promotion Organization)
Category 2
Capital goods
Covers fixed assets acquired during the period for SG Holdings Group (all domestic companies) Amount of acquired fixed assets×CO2 emission intensity Referred to; "Data base on Emissions Unit Values for Calculation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc., by Organizations Throughout the Supply Chain(Ver 3.3)"( Ministry of the Environment)
Category 3
Fuel- and energy-related emissions not included in scope 1 or Scope2
Fuel and energy related activities that aren't included in Scope 1 or Scope 2 for SG Holdings Group (all domestic companies):Fuels used throughout the company (diesel, gasoline, CNG, LNG, city gas, propane gas, kerosene, fuel oil A) and electricity used. Fuels (diesel, gasoline, CNG, LNG, city gas, propane gas, kerosene, fuel oil A) and electricity consumption ×CO₂ emission intensity Referred to; "Data base on Emissions Unit Values for Calculation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc., by Organizations Throughout the Supply Chain(Ver 3.3)"( Ministry of the Environment) ,LCI database IDEA version 2.3 (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Safety Science Research Division IDEA Laboratory General Incorporated Association Sustainable Management Promotion Organization)
Category 4
Upstream transportation and distribution
Covers transportation of purchased goods (excluding in-house transportation), consigned transportation (line-haul (truck, rail, vessel), collection and delivery subcontract, consigned home delivery, air transportation, and marine transportation) for SG Holdings Group (all companies in Japan) Transportation costs of purchased goods×CO₂ emission intensity,
Activity volume of Consigned transportation×CO₂ emission intensity
Referred to; "Data base on Emissions Unit Values for Calculation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc., by Organizations Throughout the Supply Chain(Ver 3.3)"( Ministry of the Environment)
Category 5
Waste generated in operations
Covers industrial and general waste generated in operations of SG Holdings Group (all companies in Japan though only Sagawa Express has been included from FY2022) Industrial waste: Amount of industrial waste generated in operations ×CO₂ emission intensity
General waste: Disposal cost of general waste ×CO₂ emission intensity
Referred to; "Data base on Emissions Unit Values for Calculation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc., by Organizations Throughout the Supply Chain(Ver 3.3)"( Ministry of the Environment)
Category 6
Business travel
Covers all employees for SG Holdings Group (all domestic companies) Employee's traveling expenses and fuel usage×CO2 emission intensity Referred to; "Data base on Emissions Unit Values for Calculation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc., by Organizations Throughout the Supply Chain(Ver 3.3)"( Ministry of the Environment) ,LCI database IDEA version 2.3 (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Safety Science Research Division IDEA Laboratory General Incorporated Association Sustainable Management Promotion Organization)
Category 7
Employee commuting
Covers all employees for SG Holdings Group (all domestic companies) No. of employees per site×Average of days worked×CO2 emission intensity Referred to; "Data base on Emissions Unit Values for Calculation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc., by Organizations Throughout the Supply Chain(Ver 3.3)"( Ministry of the Environment)
Category 8
Upstream leased assets
Covers products leased by SG System Co., Ltd. Power consumption of leased products×CO2 emission intensity Referred to; LCI database IDEA version 2.3 (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Safety Science Research Division IDEA Laboratory General Incorporated Association Sustainable Management Promotion Organization)
Category 9
Downstream transportation and distribution
Covers vehicles sold by SG Motors Co., Ltd. No. of Vehicles sold×Transportation Distance×fuel consumption×CO2 emission intensity Referred to; LCI database IDEA version 2.3 (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Safety Science Research Division IDEA Laboratory General Incorporated Association Sustainable Management Promotion Organization)
Category 10
Processing of sold products
Covers the lumbers sold by Sagawa Forestry Co., Ltd. Merchandise sales×CO2 emission intensity Referred to; "Data base on Emissions Unit Values for Calculation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc., by Organizations Throughout the Supply Chain(Ver 3.3)"( Ministry of the Environment)
Category 11
Use of sold products
Covers vehicles sold outside the Group by SG Motors Co., Ltd. Vehicles sold×Fuel consumption×CO2 emission intensity
(Fuel consumption=Vehicle lifetime mileage/average fuel economy)
System devices, etc. sold×estimated useful time×CO2 emission intensity
Referred to; "Data base on Emissions Unit Values for Calculation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc., by Organizations Throughout the Supply Chain(Ver 3.3)"( Ministry of the Environment) and Report from Study Group on ICT Policy for Addressing Global Warming (2008, Ministry of Internal affairs and Communications)
Category 12
End-of-life treatment of sold products
Covers products sold by SG Holdings Group (all domestic companies) Weight of product sold×CO2 emission intensity Referred to; "Data base on Emissions Unit Values for Calculation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc., by Organizations Throughout the Supply Chain(Ver 3.3)"( Ministry of the Environment) ,LCI database IDEA version 2.3 (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Safety Science Research Division IDEA Laboratory General Incorporated Association Sustainable Management Promotion Organization)
Category 13
Downstream leased assets
Covers properties rent outside the group, etc. by SG Realty Co., Ltd. and Sagawa Global Logistics Co., Ltd. rental area×CO2 emission intensity Referred to; "Data base on Emissions Unit Values for Calculation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc., by Organizations Throughout the Supply Chain(Ver 3.3)"( Ministry of the Environment)
Category 14
No applicable franchises. - -
Category 15
Not relevant. - -

*The calculation method and categories for Scope 3 have been partially changed since FY2022 (mainly categories 1, 4, 5, and 11).
(CO2 emission intensity has been recorded in Category 1 until FY2021, but reviewed the scope of aggregation in light of the reality of transactions, and changed to Category 4 from FY2022.
For Category 11, some of the values used in the calculation were changed from assumed values to actual values.)

*(Emissions related to consignment transportation were included in Category 1 emissions up to FY2021, but from FY2022, we include them in Category 4 emissions, considering the nature of transactions.)
For Category 11, some of the values used in the calculation were changed from assumed values to actual values.)

*Figures inside ( ) are the breakdown of Sagawa Express's emission figures.

*"-" indicators have not been calculated.

Total Energy Input

(Units: GJ)

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Renewable energy Electricity GJ 1,273
MWh 354
316(316) 1,764
30,267(23,129) 80,907
Gas Biogas 1,160
Subtotal 2,434
Non-renewable energy Electricity GJ 942,965
MWh 261,935
Gas City gas 718,355
Propane 10,077
LNG 999
Fuel oil Diesel 2,863,476
Gasoline 601,721
Kerosene 8,966
Heavy oil 7,025
Subtotal 5,153,585
Total 5,156,019


  • All Group companies in Japan

【Calculation method】

  • Gas・Fuel oil:Calculated by multiplying Fuel and gas consumptions by corresponding emission factors,etc. in the "List of calculation methods and emission factors for calculation, reporting, and publication systems" based on the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.

*We revised the coefficient to convert electricity from MWh to GJ and electricity figures in GJ from FY2018 have been restated.

*Figures inside ( ) are the breakdown of Sagawa Express's energy consumption.