Labor Practices

Policies, Systems and Initiatives

Policies, systems and initiatives related to labor practices

Goals and Results

Fiscal Year Goals and Results

Boundary Medium- to Long-term Goal FY2023 Targets FY2022 Results
SG Holdings Group (Japan) Creating a friendly work environment Overtime hours redution target for drivers
-1.6% YoY
Overtime hours reduction result for drivers
-0.3% YoY
Overtime hours redution target for non-drivers
-0.3% YoY
Overtime hours reduction result for non-drivers
+0.1% YoY
By improving the ways we use employee engagement surveys, we are working to create a vibrant organization with a "flat" corporate culture. Percentage of positive responses in "Employee engagement" question
Percentage of positive responses in "Employee engagement" question
Percentage of positive responses in "An environment that leverages employees" question
Percentage of positive responses in "An environment that leverages employees" question

Training for Human Resource Development

In our training functions at SG Holdings Group, we view all of our personnel as an irreplaceable resource. We are striving to develop "problem-solving-typed leaders" who can create new value while solving the problems of customers and society as a whole. More specifically, our aim is to promote growth through hands-on OJT training, while also providing opportunities for individuals to add to their skills and knowledge through OFF-JT. By helping them grow, we are developing leaders who can take responsibility for the future of our business.

We strive to develop both individuals and organizations by maintaining high levels of motivation among all employees and promoting work environments in which employees can thrive with a self of fulfillment. To this end, we have strategically developed systems for reward and commendation to support an atmosphere in which employees are praised, recognized and thanked for their hard work.

Major Groupwide Training Programs

Training Title Details
Training in Asia Providing a sense of the speed regarding the change in the global environment and traning the ability to devise proposals that contribute to the future development of the SG Holdings Group.
Sending Trainees Abroad Strategically training personnel to handle globalization by giving talented young employees experience with global logistics overseas early in their careers.
Bright Future Vision Committee Began in FY2013 as an initiative to enhance the corporate value of the SG Holdings Group in the long term by presenting and embodying what young employees should become and reflecting the perspective of employees in management.
SGH University In 2017, we started to see this as a venue for learning basic business literacy.
Classes may take the form of group training or e-learning.
Next-generation Leader Training Encouraging high-potential young personnel to learn management literacy and strategic thinking and acquire a broader and higher perspective in order to develop leadership from an early point in their careers.
Training by Level This is an opportunity to learn the things needed for roles at every level.
Major Groupwide Training Programs

Training expenses, hours of training and total number of trainees for human resource development

Item Boundary Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Training expenses Group Thousand yen - 803,482 980,446 984,633
Total hours of training Hours 237,607 280,347 279,227 207,665
Total number of trainees Persons 6,251 35,283 37,013 40,990

*The total hours of training and the total number of trainees are calculated for the entire Group using figures disclosed for FY2020. Note that training expenses have been calculated by adding the labor expenses for the trainees from FY2020.

*We postponed overseas training to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

*The increase in training expenses was due to the establishment and enhancement of training programs for management-level employees.