Human Rights Policy


The SG Holdings Group respects and advocates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its goals in regard to human rights.

This policy expresses in detail our stance on human rights based on our Charter of Corporate Conduct and Code of Ethics and Conduct.

Respect for everyone's human rights

We will not discriminate on account of gender, race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, political opinion, sexual orientation (such as LGBT), marital status, pregnancy, childbirth, medical history, disability, illness, or any other discriminatory basis.

Legal compliance

We will comply with all laws in each country and region. In countries or regions that do not have strict laws, we will comply with international rules.

Prevention of human rights abuse

We will build and continue to implement a system for "Human Rights Due Diligence"* to prevent occurrences of human rights abuse.

*Human Rights Due Diligence: process to recognize, prevent, and respond to any negative impacts on human rights.

Prohibition of child labor and forced labor

We will prohibit work by children under the minimum working age designated by the laws in each country or region. We will also prohibit forced labor. In addition, we will request our business partners to also prohibit child and forced labor.

Avoidance of Complicity in Human Rights Abuse

We will not be complicit in the abuse of human rights. In addition, we will strive to avoid complicity through receiving benefits or the silent condoning of complicity.

Response to Occurrence of Abuse

We will determine countermeasures to be implemented in the event of human rights abuse. We will protect the victim of abuse and the informer, and work to promptly and fairly resolve the situation.

Safety and Health

We will prioritize safety in the workplace and promote the health of all employees.

Transparency and Promotion of Awareness

We will report the activities of the SG Holdings Group with transparency.

We will continue to promote awareness of the "SG Holdings Group's Human Rights Policy" among our employees and will request our business partners to respect and enforce human rights.

The SG Holdings Group's Human Rights Policy(1.1MB)

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